trying to create a CleanerML file

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So I used Show Debugger Messages option and I can see that Bleachbit 4.0 detects correctly the custom CleanerML file I created; however, it doesn't show up unless I turn off "hide irrelevant cleaners". So my question is HOW does bleachbit 4.0 make the determination that a CleanerML file is "irrelevant"? The specific rule I'm trying to add is for a "custom" recursive cleaning regex I made for steam. Note that I do NOT install steam in the regular C:\Program Files location but intead to a separate harddrive I have. Perhaps that's the issue?

Custom Steam
steam installers

Delete the files left over from installs

BleachBit version: 
Your operating system: 
Windows 8.1

Here is the filter I wrote:
<cleaner id="steam" os="windows">
<label>Custom Steam</label>
<description>steam installers</description>
<option id="temp">
<description>Delete the files left over from installs</description>
<action command="delete" search="walk.files" path="I:\Gaming\Steam\SteamApps\" regex="(\.cab$)|(vcredist.*\.exe)|(vc_redist.*\.exe)|(dotNetFx.*\.exe)|(dxsetup.*\.exe)|(directx.*\.exe)|(\.msi$)|(\.cmd$)"/>

Great support!

Works OK for me with 4.4.0