Bleachbit 0.6.5 update message to 0.6.5 version?
Hi, Zephyros here, I'm using Fedora 11, kernel, EXT4 FS, 1.5 GB of RAM.
Everytime I open Bleachbit which I installed from RPM downloaded from official page I get a message "Bleachbit update is available", but the "new" version is the very same I'm using, kind of weird, any idea?
BTW, if I click on "Update Bleachbit" button I get to the homepage and it has the 0.6.5 version I already have installed.
Here's the shell output:
$ bleachbit
info: starting BleachBit version 0.6.5
debug: appicon_path = '/usr/share/pixmaps/bleachbit.png'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'adobe_reader'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'amsn'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'amule'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'apt'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'beagle'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'chromium'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'd4x'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'easytag'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'elinks'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'emesene'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'epiphany'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'evolution'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'exaile'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'filezilla'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'gftp'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'gimp'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'gl-117'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'google_chrome'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'google_earth'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'google_toolbar'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'gpodder'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'hippo_opensim_viewer'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'java'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'kde'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'liferea'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'links2'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'midnightcommander'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'miro'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'nexuiz'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'opera'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'realplayer'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'recoll'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'rhythmbox'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'rpmbuild'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'seamonkey'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'secondlife_viewer'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'skype'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'transmission'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'tremulous'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'vim'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'vuze'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'wine'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'winetricks'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'xchat'
info: automatically hiding cleaner 'xine'
Nothing "strange" I'd say n_n
Oh! almost forgot, the same message appears if started from shell or Gnome and as a regular user or Admin, .
Thanks a lot for this awesome proggy!
Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 10/03/2009 - 07:04
Same Here
I get the same message in windows xp sp3. It's obviously the version checker and nothing else
Sat, 10/03/2009 - 08:16
Thank you for pointing this out. It is fixed now.
Andrew, lead developer