Mint Mate 20.1 and 20.2 not responsive to Dissenter browser
In Linux Mint 20.1 and 20.2, Bleachbit does not appear to recognize the Dissenter browser (fork of Brave/Chromium). I think I recall bleachbit cleaning Dissenter approximately a year ago but now ...... Interestingly, it appears that the links for downloading Dissenter appear to have dried up. ???
Am I doing something wrong?
Sat, 11/27/2021 - 10:45
Nothing changed in BleachBit.
Nothing changed in BleachBit. There was never any support specific for Dissenter. If they used the same directories to store browser data as Brave or Chromium, BleachBit could clean Dissenter out of the box. Otherwise, you can add support yourself with just a little work
1. Find the chromium.xml file in /usr/share/bleachbit/cleaners (or something like that)
2. Copy it to the name dissenter.xml
3. Edit the file with a text editor
4. Change the cleaner ID, cleaner name, and directories
5. Save the file and restart BleachBit
Step 4 might just be five lines: 23,24,33,40.
Andrew, lead developer