Error on Installation


I deleted 1.2 and tried to install 1.8. I got the error:

"error opening file for writing


When I tried to reinstall 1.2, I got the same wrror.

What is going on?


Moved to support thread.

Do you use any AV that would have blocked that file? If so, please make sure to move it out of the quarantine folder and whitelist the file so it does not get blocked in the future.

Also known as Alex.

Moderator for BleachBit and a maintainer for Winapp2.

Check out my open-source group on Steam:

Windows 10 x64 (switching to ReactOS in the future).

Which version of Windows?

Make sure you install with Administrator privileges. This normally happens, but to be sure I think you can right click on the installer. In the context menu that pops up, I think one of the options is run as administrator.

if it still happens, please post a link here to a screenshot using something like or attach the screenshot (JPG/PNG) to a bug ticket at

Andrew, lead developer

I am experiencing same problem during install even with trying suggested solutions. How do i add screengrab to forum comment so you can see error as you requested above?


1. Hit the print screen button to copy the screen to clipboard
2. Go to
3. Press CTRL+V to paste from clipboard to Snaggy
4. Get the link from Snaggy
5. Paste the link into the forum

Andrew, lead developer


The error I see iserror opening file for writing
c:\program files (x86\bleachbit\_ctypes.pyd

This seems like a permissions denied error. Make sure you have administrator privileges. When the installer starts, it should probably ask you (using the UAC dialog) whether you want to allow using administrative privileges.

If you do not have administrative privileges, consider using the portable edition.

Let me know how it goes or whether you need more information.

Andrew, lead developer

I thought the same thing but...

I am running installer "run as administrator" and still get error.

BTW thank you for all that your doing for privacy rights!!!


What Windows version are you running?

Have you tried grabbing a new copy from the download page?

Also known as Alex.

Moderator for BleachBit and a maintainer for Winapp2.

Check out my open-source group on Steam:

Windows 10 x64 (switching to ReactOS in the future).

i am using Win7 Ultimate with all current updates. And yes I did try a different download thinking the file might have been corrupted during DL process