BleachBit 0.6.5, ubuntu 9.04 "Places | Recent Documents" will not be cleard



starting BleachBit 0.6.5 in Ubuntu the Recent Document list is still filled, also there was a recent run of BleachBit. This is a reocurrence of a problem solved in BleachBit 0.6.3

Also the History of Chromium is still filled after BleachBit has run and the tick is set in the options.

starting BleachBit 0.6.5 in Ubuntu the Recent Document list is still filled, also there was a recent run of BleachBit. This is a reocurrence of a problem solved in BleachBit 0.6.3

I just tried Ubuntu 9.04 (GNOME 2.26.1) with BleachBit 0.6.5: I checked the box System - Recent Documents List. It deleted ~/.recently-used.xbel (in a special way that GNOME requires), and I don't see the problem. It works fine. Are you running a different version of Ubuntu?

Also the History of Chromium is still filled after BleachBit has run and the tick is set in the options.

That is already fixed for BleachBit version 0.7.0. Previous versions of BleachBit were designed for Crossover Chromium on Linux, and BleachBit 0.7.0 add supports for the native-Linux Chromium.

Andrew, lead developer