Bleach Bit 1.12 bug?
Hello. I used to use Bleach Bit 1.11 without any issues. The scans used to last around 45 minutes (I clean two HDs). I updated into v. 1.12 and now Bleach Bit will start the scan/deletion, but will simply crash (stop) and close automatically during the first 3 to 5 minutes of scan. Unless there is a new super hyper speed scan Bleach Bit technology around :-), probably there is a bug that causes it to crash and close. Please, let me know how to solve this issue. I can test v.1.12 and send logs in order to find out the cause of this crash. Any advice is welcome! :-)
Tue, 10/25/2016 - 15:59
The speed should not have
The speed should not have changed between versions 1.10 and 1.12.
Has there been a significant change in how much free space is on the drives?
Are you comfortable with the command line? If open a command window, and run "c:\program files (x86)\bleachbit\bleachbit_console.exe". Then watch the console for error messages. If you have issues with this, let me know. If you can do it, send me the log.
Feel free also to open a bug ticket at
Andrew, lead developer
Thu, 10/27/2016 - 04:19
Hi Andrew,
Hi Andrew,
many thanks. I opened console.exe as administrator and it opened the two windows (command line and Bleach Bit). After a couple of minutes, Bleach Bit crashed, it closes the window and stops running. Please, where do I find the log file so I can open a but ticket?
Thu, 10/27/2016 - 12:51
The log files should be in
The log files should be in the same directory where BleachBit is installed to.
Also known as Alex.
Moderator for BleachBit and a maintainer for Winapp2.
Check out my open-source group on Steam:
Windows 10 x64 (switching to ReactOS in the future).
Thu, 10/27/2016 - 15:52
Thank you, but there is no
Thank you, but there is no BleachBit.exe.log file in C:/Program Files (x86)/BleachBit/ . Perhaps BleachBit crashes before any log file is generated. Please, any ideas how to try to generate this log file again?
Thu, 10/27/2016 - 17:59
So it just crashes without
So it just crashes without even doing anything?
Have you tried just simply uninstalling BleachBit and reinstalling it? Use something like Revo uninstaller (if your on Windows) to completely remove BleachBit and all of it's traces, then download 1.12 again and try installing it again and see if that fixes the problem.
Also, what operating system are you on (like Windows 7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.10, Fedora 20, etc)?
Also known as Alex.
Moderator for BleachBit and a maintainer for Winapp2.
Check out my open-source group on Steam:
Windows 10 x64 (switching to ReactOS in the future).
Thu, 10/27/2016 - 18:44
I was hoping you would see it
I was hoping you would see it in the console window. If launch BleachBit_console.exe from Windows Explorer or something like that, the window will close when the application crashes. If you launch it from an open CMD.EXE window, it will stay there
Alternatively you can launch BleachBit with the following command to generate a log on the desktop
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\BleachBit\Bleachbit_console.exe" --gui --debug-log=%USERPROFILE%\desktop\bleachbit.log
Andrew, lead developer
Sat, 10/29/2016 - 05:40
Hello Andrew, here you have
Hello Andrew, here you have the log (could not find a way to upload the log file):
BleachBit version 1.12
BleachBit version 1.12
GTK version 2.16.6
local_cleaners_dir = C:\Program Files (x86)\cleaners
locale_dir = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\share\locale\
options_dir = C:\Users\J\AppData\Roaming\BleachBit
personal_cleaners_dir = C:\Users\J\AppData\Roaming\BleachBit\cleaners
system_cleaners_dir = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\share\cleaners\
locale.getdefaultlocale = ('en_US', 'cp1252')
os.getenv('APPDATA') = C:\Users\J\AppData\Roaming
os.getenv('LocalAppData') = C:\Users\J\AppData\Local
os.getenv('LocalAppDataLow') = C:\Users\J\AppData\LocalLow
os.getenv('Music') = C:\Users\J\Music
os.getenv('USERPROFILE') = C:\Users\J
os.getenv('ProgramFiles') = C:\Program Files (x86)
os.getenv('ProgramW6432') = C:\Program Files
os.getenv('TMP') = C:\Users\J\AppData\Local\Temp
os.path.expanduser('~') = C:\Users\J
platform.win32_ver[1]() = 6.2.9200
platform.platform = Windows-Vista-10.0.14393
platform.version = 10.0.14393
sys.argv = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BleachBit\\Bleachbit_console.exe', '--gui', '--debug-log=C:\\Users\\J\\desktop\\bleachbit.log']
sys.executable = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\Bleachbit_console.exe
sys.version = 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] = False
__file__ = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\\bleachbit\Diagnostic.pyo
BleachBit version 1.12
BleachBit version 1.12
GTK version 2.16.6
local_cleaners_dir = C:\Program Files (x86)\cleaners
locale_dir = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\share\locale\
options_dir = C:\Users\J\AppData\Roaming\BleachBit
personal_cleaners_dir = C:\Users\J\AppData\Roaming\BleachBit\cleaners
system_cleaners_dir = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\share\cleaners\
locale.getdefaultlocale = ('en_US', 'cp1252')
os.getenv('APPDATA') = C:\Users\J\AppData\Roaming
os.getenv('LocalAppData') = C:\Users\J\AppData\Local
os.getenv('LocalAppDataLow') = C:\Users\J\AppData\LocalLow
os.getenv('Music') = C:\Users\J\Music
os.getenv('USERPROFILE') = C:\Users\J
os.getenv('ProgramFiles') = C:\Program Files (x86)
os.getenv('ProgramW6432') = C:\Program Files
os.getenv('TMP') = C:\Users\J\AppData\Local\Temp
os.path.expanduser('~') = C:\Users\J
platform.win32_ver[1]() = 6.2.9200
platform.platform = Windows-Vista-10.0.14393
platform.version = 10.0.14393
sys.argv = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BleachBit\\Bleachbit_console.exe', '--gui', '--no-uac', '--gui', '--debug-log=C:\\Users\\J\\desktop\\bleachbit.log']
sys.executable = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\Bleachbit_console.exe
sys.version = 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] = True
__file__ = C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\\bleachbit\Diagnostic.pyo
And BleachBit crashes. I am available for further tests. :-)
Sat, 10/29/2016 - 05:43
I ran a new BleachBit scan
I ran a new BleachBit scan and it will again stop at the Diagnostic.pyo step.