An additional Skype directory needs cleaning...
This folder: %AppData%\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\CS_skylib
Contains all of the .conf files that are created when you log in to Skype.
If you have user accounts you'd rather not be found, the folder needs to be wiped.
Thu, 04/07/2022 - 09:36
I guess nobody uses Skype anymore.
Seriously, though.... deleting the .conf files doesn't affect the ability to log-in to the application next time it's needed. Skype automatically creates CS_shared.conf every time it boots, and creates a unique .conf file for every user account that is used for login. If multiple users on a PC are all using Skype, this could lead to privacy issues and/or inadvertently allowing others to login using your account.
Please give this suggestion some consideration.
Jeff in AZ