Fedora 12: BleachBit will only run as root...


If I attempt to run BleachBit as a regular user, this is the result:

[steve@localhost ~]$ bleachbit
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bleachbit", line 41, in
import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk
[steve@localhost ~]$

If I run as "root", then BleachBit starts and operates fine.

I am running Fedora 12 (fully updated) and I got BleachBit from Fedora's Yum repository:

As an experiment, I will try compiling and running from a source tarball, as well as SVN.

Steven P. Ulrick

That's odd.

Yes, do try a newer version. Version 0.6 is old, and SVN and source tarball (0.7.3) are currently the same. Also I do have RPM packages on this site ready for Fedora 12.

Also you may want to open a terminal, run 'python' and paste these commands

import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject

By the way, my main system where I develop BleachBit is Fedora 11.

Andrew, lead developer

Hello Again
Didn't know for sure if I was supposed to paste all four commands in at once, or just do one at a time.

Here is the result if I just run "python" in a terminal and then paste "import pygtk":
[steve@localhost ~]$ python
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jan 29 2010, 21:06:02)
[GCC 4.2.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pygtk
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ImportError: No module named pygtk

Here is the result if I run "python" and paste all four commands in:
[steve@localhost ~]$ python
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jan 29 2010, 21:06:02)
[GCC 4.2.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pygtk
import gtk
import gobjectTraceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ImportError: No module named pygtk
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
NameError: name 'pygtk' is not defined
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ImportError: No module named gtk

The outcome if I try all of that as root is as I expected: no errors.

I have to assume that something is wrong with my system. Either that, or the other person I read about that runs BleachBit on Fedora 12 is running it as root also :)

Ooops, almost forgot: I tried running BleachKit from SVN. The results were the same as I described in my initial message: it runs as root, but not if I run it as a regular user.

Steven P. Ulrick

What if you set SELinux to permissive mode?

Andrew, lead developer

SElinux has been set to "Disabled" since VERY shortly after my last installation of Fedora 12.

It seems PyGTK is broken. PyGTK is a library used by many applications. Do any other PyGTK apps work? Here is a list


You probably already have some of these (such as GNOME Screenshot Applet) installed.

Andrew, lead developer

I'll check that out when I get home from work. I have had either inconsistent behavior like this before, or I have issues with all applications that use PyGTK. Inquiring minds want to know... You say that you develop on a Fedora 11 box, right? Do you have this same problem?
If the version of PyGTK in Fedora Rawhide is not broken, I can try rebuilding the SRPM and see it that works. I could even try just using the SPEC file from the SRPM and use a non-broken version of PyGTK as the source... I have many options...


No, I haven't seen this on Fedora or elsewhere. If other PyGTK apps fail, then either your installation is corrupt or there is a bug in Fedora. My personal preference is to not mess with the base installation, so I would prefer getting the binary RPM from the Fedora repo rather than building it myself.

Andrew, lead developer

Here is a list of the pygtk2 RPM's that I have installed, along with the repo that I got them from:
pygtk2.x86_64 2.16.0-1.fc12 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081904.x86_64
pygtk2-codegen.x86_64 2.16.0-1.fc12 @fedora
pygtk2-devel.i686 2.16.0-1.fc12 @fedora
pygtk2-devel.x86_64 2.16.0-1.fc12 @fedora
pygtk2-doc.noarch 2.16.0-1.fc12 @fedora
pygtk2-libglade.x86_64 2.16.0-1.fc12 @anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081904.x86_64

So, I can't get the binary RPM(s) from Fedora, since I think I have them all...

Also, I tried running "listen" (a pygtk2 based app) as a regular user, and the error was as follows:
[steve@localhost ~]$ listen
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "listen", line 37, in
import gobject
ImportError: No module named gobject
[steve@localhost ~]$

As you've probably come to expect from my situation by now, "listen" ran perfectly as root...

So, I suppose I will now take this to the Fedora list.

Steven P. Ulrick

I took a known risk and rebuild the pygtk SRPM from Fedora Rawhide. Now BleachBit, Listen & Caffeine work as desired :) That's all well and good, but I still wonder: is the Fedora 11 version of pygtk NOT broken? You did say that you do not have the same problem that I do...

This comment leads me to believe that there is at least one person running Fedora 12 and BleachBit successfully:

Did he install a different version of pygtk like I ended up doing, or is there some other reason that it works for him? Really, I'm only curious...

Anyway, I have a successful workaround, and that will satisfy me for now :)

Thank you for your help,
Steven P. Ulrick

I have had a lot of problems with Python based applications before. Now I am pretty convinced that it is NOT the fault of the individual applications, but it is an issue with Fedora/pygtk. I just rebooted after a kernel update, and guess what? All of the applications that I said were working do not work anymore (as a regular user, of course.) They all fail with the same errors that they failed with before.

I am still running the pygtk RPM's recompiled from the Rawhide SRPM. Unless someone has a new idea, I think I won't bother with caffeine or bleachbit until I upgrade to Fedora 13. Again, I don't think it's a BleachBit problem, I think it is Fedora/pygtk.

Anyway, thanks again for your help,
Steven P. Ulrick