High fan speed and i guess high temperature
After using bleachbit on my kali linux i ticked all of the options including memory after i restarded my laptop my fan runnin at almost full speed even when i choose my second os which is windows and try to play a game still my fan runnin at almost full speed please any help ?
Thu, 03/29/2018 - 09:43
Does the Linux or Windows
Does the Linux or Windows task manager show any processes using the full CPU?
Can you check whether the CPU is hot (such as using the Windows application Core Temp)?
Besides BleachBit did you do any other system reconfiguration, optimization, tweaking, or maintenance or did you install any systems software? Did you make any BIOS changes? I cannot think of any effect that BleachBit would have that would cause high CPU usage or high fan speed.
Andrew, lead developer
Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:06
In windows os task manager my
In windows os task manager my cpu is 11% and i did nothing i just used bleachbit as i said even when i play game such as GTA v in high settings still my cpu under 50% my cpu is not overheating but the fan almost always runnin at full speed i even upgraded my bios and still the same :/
Thu, 03/29/2018 - 21:41
Hmm. You ran BleachBit on
Hmm. You ran BleachBit on Linux. For the most part the options simply delete files, and a few options (such as vacuum) alter files such as web browsers. The memory cleaner temporarily allocates memory, alters the swap drive, and then puts things back the way it found them (but in a more clean state). None of this should have anything to do with the system fan, and even more bizarre is that it happens in Windows. Running BleachBit in Linux should have no effect on the Windows partition.
For troubleshooting one option is to boot a clean operating system from a bootable CD or USB drive. For example, maybe you have installation media for Linux. It would work even better if it were created on another system or on the same system before your problems. If the fan runs at a high speed when booting from this, then the problem is not on your hard drive (or solid state drive): it would be in the BIOS or in the hardware.
Andrew, lead developer