Download issues
Under Firefox 3.6.13, I clicked on the download button located at , selected Ubuntu 10.04, which led me to . This gave me the error message "file not found." Tried the same sequence and got the same results for Ubuntu 10.10. Fedora completed successfully but didn't lead me to oooninja, it stayed on Sourceforge.
As a workaround, i went straight to the downloads at Sourceforge. At the top, there's still an announcement that 0.8.4 is the most current. I found 0.8.6-1 at that point.
Thank you very much for this software. You might want to think twice about the process-side of things though. Broken download linkies leading off-site w/o announcement are pretty spooky especially when it comes to utilities.
Thank you again for your efforts.
-Craig "anon"
Tue, 01/04/2011 - 13:45
Download issue
Thank you for pointing this out. I am trying out a new mirror (oooninja instead of SF), but the mirror hosting is in process of upgrading from CentOS 4 to 5 and is acting strangely. I did upload those .debs and can see them in SSH but not with HTTP. I think it may have to do with DNS caching (the IP address changed too). I will be more careful.
Andrew, lead developer