BleachBit 0.8.0 still doesn't remove recent documents!

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I downloaded and installed the latest version of BleachBit (0.8.0). It is said on the released note that
"# Delete recent documents in GNOME 2.28 - 2.30 (e.g., Ubuntu Karmic Kaola, Lucid Lynx, Fedora 13).
# Use GTK+ Recent Manager to purge recent documents list."

However, after I have run BleachBit as administrator and checked the option clean recent documents under system, nothing happened to those recent documents, they are still where they were. I have GNOME 2.30.2.

I forgot to mention that I am running Ubuntu 10.04

Try it NOT as administrator. In Ubuntu when running as administrator, this would clear the administrator's recent documents list (but you don't login as him so you don't see those).

Andrew, lead developer

Hi, Andrew,

Thanks for the tips, it works. I just noticed your message, somehow I missed it last time.