BleachBit 2.1 beta

Please test BleachBit 2.1 beta.


For a list of changes see the commit log, Launchpad bug tracker, and GitHub bug tracker.


These tests are for both Windows and Linux.

  • Click Help - System Information, and there should be a line that starts Git revision.
  • Open your operating system's file browser, and copy some files (that you don't need) to the clipboard. In BleachBit, click File - Shred Paths from Clipboard.
  • Test the following cleaners that had major changes: Adobe Flash, Google Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Firefox, Waterfox.
  • Clean non-default profiles in Firefox
  • Use the command line option --wipe-free-space.


  • Clean SmartFTP.
  • Click File - Shred Files, and select many files at once (see #348).
  • Make a symlink to a folder with files. Delete the symlink. (Do not delete the folder.) Use BleachBit to clean the recycle bin. Verify the folder and its files are not deleted.
  • Shred a file on a remote system, such as NAS (see #338).
  • Test installation as an upgrade from BleachBit 2.0 and as a fresh installation.
  • Test both installer options: install for all users, and install for just the current user.
  • Test uninstallation in both cases: all users and current user.
  • Disable automatic updates for winapp2.ini. Replace the winapp2.ini that is automatically downloaded with the unmodified version from Start BleachBit and close it, and verify there are no errors. New cleaners may be detected.


  • Run a deep scan. (Preview is sufficient.) Verify there are no errors.
  • Clean memory on a system with a swap partition greater than 16 GiB.
  • Run BleachBit without X, such as in cron.
  • Test new distributions: Fedora 28 and Ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10.


See the downloads folder.

After testing

If something is broken, please file a bug report. If it works well, please post a comment with what you tested in the testing forum or at the bottom of this page.

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