Posting guidelines (please read)


Please follow these guidelines for posting messages

  • Create an login account so you are notified of replies
  • Create a new topic for each question. Don't cram multiple, unrelated questions into one topic. This makes it easier to answer.
  • Don't post an unrelated reply. If your post is not related to the original topic, start a new topic.
  • Especially when reporting a potential bug, please include the BleachBit version (click Help - About to find it), operating system and version (for example: Windows XP, Ubuntu 9.04), the exact error message (if any).
  • Linux users: When reporting a potential bug, indicate how you installed BleachBit: from a repository, from source, or from the installation package on this web site. Also include any messages printed to the terminal.

Tip: To post an image (such as a screenshot), use a hosting image service such as Google Picasa or ImageShack or search for "image hosting."