--list Not Working


I am running BleachBit 4.00 on Windows 7 Professional. I have Spybot installed as my anti-virus program. It has no direct way of shutting off, except to use the Task Manager. I fixed a bug with the RTBackup folder that interferes with various services since Vista and has not yet been addressed by Microsoft. I still cannot get a listing of Bleach Bit options using --list even if I use the full path and extension.

I cannot think of any other reason why this is not working. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the cause?

BleachBit version: 
Your operating system: 
Windows 7 Professional

Hi Rod,

You wrote it isn't working. What happens instead? Is there an error message? If so, please copy and paste it here exactly.

Alternatively, upload a screenshot to an an image hosting service such as https://snipboard.io/ or imgur, and post the URL here in the forum.

Andrew, lead developer

Rod Lockwood's picture

Here is a screenshot of the command window. Maybe I am supposed to type in something other than “bleachbit”?

At the default command prompt I typed in: bleachbit --list
The response was: ‘bleachbit’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I navigated to the folder BleachBit is installed in, and typed the same thing. I received no response at all. It just returned the prompt.

Rod Lockwood

Rod Lockwood's picture

Just on a hunch I went over to my laptop where the OS is Linux Mint. I have BleachBit installed on it too. I opened a command window and typed in the same thing. It gave the entire list of command options the way its supposed to. So apparently the problem is Windows being stupid again.

Rod Lockwood

On the documentation for BleachBit: Command Line I added a new YouTube I recorded that may help you.

In particular, please start with this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\BleachBit\bleachbit_console.exe" --list

Andrew, lead developer

Rod Lockwood's picture

Aha! So I needed to use bleachbit_console (or bleachbit_console.exe) instead of bleachbit for the command line, but only for Windows.

Yes. bleachbit_console --list worked, but I needed to go directly into the folder. I just re-installed Windows. So I need to add A:\ to the list of paths again.

Thank you for your help.

Rod Lockwood