Change Color of BleachBit 3.0 Window

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On my system, BleachBit 3.0 presents as a "black" window with the left pane options listed in white text. However, the check boxes are faint and difficult to see unless the option is checked. For example, the first item listed is Adobe Reader. The dark check box to its right is difficult to identify. Once checked, however, the options are easily read.

Is it possible to change the color of the standard BleachBit window to make the information easier to see and read?

I've read the documentation and was unable to locate any information about this topic.

BleachBit version: 
Your operating system: 
Windows 10

There is an option in the preferences to toggle between the dark mode theme and the light mode theme. See the video for a demonstration. You reminded me that the documentation was out of date, so I updated the documentation on preferences. (You might have to hit the refresh on your browser to show the updates.)

If you see something different than the video and you believe it might be broken, please post as screenshot. To post it in the forum, upload it to an image hosting site such as Imgur or, and then post the link here. Alternatively, open a ticket at GitHub, and upload the screenshot there.

Andrew, lead developer